CG Jung Society of WA
The CG Jung Society of WA is a non-profit association which aims to promote a greater understanding of Jungian Psychology. Monthly public meetings are held with speakers and films covering a variety of topics with a Jungian emphasis. Public seminars and workshops led by local, interstate, and international Jungian Analysts are also arranged by the Society.
A comprehensive Library, including the latest Jungian journals, is maintained by the Society.
The CG Jung Society of WA - formerly the Analytical Psychology Club of WA - was founded in 1954 by Mrs MI Rix Weaver, the first Australian to study and graduate from the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich
For many years the only Jungian Analyst in Australia. Rix Weaver also founded, in 1976, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Jungian Analysts (ANZSJA).
The Library has two of her books:
- The Old Wise Woman - A Study of Active Imagination
- Spinning on a Dream Thread - a Study of Hermann Hesse
Current society committee and volunteers
Brittain Garrett
Vice President
Lorenz Gude
Vivien Bainbridge
Vince O’Sullivan
Olive Mason
Committee Members
Susan Thorman
Jan Rodda
Lorraine Underwood.
Zhao Liu (Kevin)