C G Jung Society
Western Australia
From early on in his life, Jung recognised two distinct personalities within himself.
No 1 was involved in the every day ordinary world, was rational and ambitious, studied science and wanted civilised prestigious life.
No 2 connected with the experience at the age of three, sitting on a granite stone and feeling something eternal in the stone, that was also in him. This side held meaning and connection.
Jung struggled most of his life with the conflict between these two personalities. He became attracted to psychiatry while studying medicine when he read in a book by Kraffe Ebbing that psychiatry is subjective and the psychiatrist responds with his own personality. He felt his two personalities could connect in psychiatry.
"Here at last was a place where the collision of nature and spirit became a reality"
C G Jung
2025 Presidents Greeting
Hello and welcome to this year’s season of events.
Library News
The big news is the library has moved. After 45 years at Olive Mason’s house, the Jung Society of WA Library has a new home. We thank Olive for holding the library, the centre of the Society, in her home and heart. We thank her for her devotion and service, and for holding space for something more – for the divine, for soul. To me that is what the library embodies- sparks of divine wisdom, gems to feed the soul. We all thank you Olive.
The library will now be housed in the beautiful old Hawke House, 21 Ellen St. Fremantle. Chris and Marienne Hodgson have been restoring this grand old building and the Jung Society is very fortunate and grateful to Chris and Marienne for giving the library a new home, and the Society a new centre. You might recognize Chris and Marienne as they both attend all of the Society’s lectures and events. Chris is a psychiatrist in private practice and his clinical rooms are in the old stables behind the building.
They hope to make Hawke House a centre for Jungian inspiration as well as clinical rooms for therapists and psychologists. Their daughter Beth will be our new librarian.
She is a librarian! How lucky are we!
We will have a celebratory Library Opening Day on Sunday, March 2 at 2:00. (The usual first Sunday of the month library Day from 2-5pm.) Come along and see the new space and meet Chris and Marienne and Beth.
Library Membership is now included in the Membership at no extra cost. In fact, we have lowered membership to $70.00 and $40.00 Concession.
We hope that this will encourage people to become members and to visit our library! We have great plans for it.
We are also offering to members the opportunity to bring a friend to a Friday lecture and they pay membership attendance price. We have some very interesting lectures and workshops this year and hope you will join us.
We have a fabulous program for this year!
We begin in March with a zoom lecture by Daniel Gleeson Alien Other on Embodied Imagination in Dreamwork.
In April we are so pleased that Jungian Analyst Sally Kester will speak for us on Passion, Creativity and Individuation.
In May we have a special performance by Raelene Bruinsma on Inanna’s Descent to the Underworld.
June will be a lecture and workshop with Astrologer Zoë Shuttleworth, Evolution and Revolution on the Pluto Uranus trine.
July will be a lecture by Jungian analyst and president of ANZSJA, Beth Foley. She will speak on Malignant Altruism.
In August Kane Parsons will give a talk on the Individuation and the Symbolism of the Self. September sees the return of Allan Guggenbühl, a well-known writer and Jungian Analyst from Zurich. His visit last year was so rewarding and we are very happy that he will be returning for a lecture and workshop in late September.
Please note what date the Friday night lectures are being held as they vary this year. It is not always our regular third Friday of the month. Look out for the flyer from our secretary Vivien. I hope to see you there!
Sincerely, Brittain Garrett President 2025
WA Jung Blog
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